NOE has three large national events annually, attended by thousands of people. These are the annual general assembly of NOE, the family festival of our member organisations and members in autumn, and NOE Christmas celebration, respectively. Furthermore, NOE organises one additional special event, a large get-together every year. In addition to these large gatherings, NOE hosts a great number of various programs, conferences, negotiations, meetings at local, regional and national levels.
NOE has four large national events yearly:
- Annual General Assembly
- Baby Welcome Event
- Family Festival in autumn
- Christmas Celebration
We organise one additional special event, a large get-together every second year.
- Family Congress
Our Association highly values our international connections, and NOE is a member of various international organisations (e.g. COFACE, ELFAC, FEFAF, etc.) that are forums of NGO’s dealing with families. NOE is one of the founding members of the European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC). NOE actively cooperates with, and contributes to, the work of these organisations.
In 2015, NOE co-initiated an international pro-family project with the Confederation of Family Associations in the Carpathian Basin (KCSSZ). As of January 2018, NOE oversees implementing the international pro-family project.
The project aims at strengthening the social and financial background of European family lobbies and pro-family policy by international networking of family-related civil organisations. Our intention is that pro-family attitude, approach and values become more visible and become articulated in the legislation of the European Union. NOE and KCSSZ are thriving to contribute to the empowering of the pro-family approach at an international level, by lobbying European civil organisations through their network system.
The two pillars of our international program are the following:
- Youth pillar: we find it of utmost importance to raise their awareness and reinforce the importance of working for families, as well as to inspire them to develop a family-centred baseline and approach. Also, we offer professional training for those who are already engaged in family-related activities either in their career or as volunteers for pro-family civil organisations.
- Professional pillar: networking possibility for representatives of family-related NGO’s: we organise conferences, workshops, networking events about various topics related to family and marriage. This way, people working in this field in one way or another can gain an insight into the work of other organisations, can become familiar with the legislation of the different countries, can learn “best practices” from other organisations, may start cooperating with similar NGO’s throughout Europe, and have the opportunity to contribute to building a more family-friendly Europe together.